Mutiny: Fashola appeals to reconsider death sentence passed on 54 Soldiers

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Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola, made the appeal in Alausa Ikeja at the International Service while marking year 2015 Armed Force Remembrance Day, urged the Nigerian Military authorities to re-consider the death sentence passed on the 54 soldiers as disciplinary measure for misconduct in the ongoing fight against insurgency in the country.
The governor who was represented by the Commissioner for Home Affairs and Culture, Mr. Oyinlomo Danmole, stated that the military authorities and the Federal Government should reconsider the death sentence and commute it to jail terms.
He further stressed that he believes the officers and men involved are now sober and therefore deserved to be forgiven with the reduction in the punishment pronounced. He noted that the call for leniency is not to justify their actions but to plead with the government to reduce the gravity of the punishment and not make it greater than their offence.
Fashola also urged Nigerians to continue to support the families of soldiers who have made the supreme sacrifice and those with life-time injuries in the service of our country by donating towards their upkeep.
Earlier, Brigadier General Dalubo, who emphasized that Nigeria will always remember the constitution of our fallen heroes and will continue to support them and cater for the families that are left behind, stated that the Federal Government should set aside January 15 as Remembrance Day and dedicate this period to the remembrance of our fallen heroes who had paid the supreme price for the unity of the nation
